Opening of IC trading market: the integration of Uniswap and OpenSea

3 min readNov 29, 2021


Ceto Swap and IC platform that materializes the combination of Uniswap and OpenSea

CetoSwap’s vision is to create an FT (Fungible Token) and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) trading platform for IC. Our main purpose is to provide a tradable and liquid trading market for IC. The targets of CetoSwap are Uniswap and OpenSea, which contain the mainstream standard token trading and provide users with a full-token trading platform.

FT trading battlefield approach

Looking back at the current situation of IC FT, at present, the network development is in the early stage, and many valuable FT tokens have emerged in the market, and scale effect has not been formed, so Swap has not really shown its value. However, we believe that this time is very close, because we see that Origyn’s public fundraising is close, and we have obtained a strategic investment of US$ 20 million. Let the whole world pay attention to the ecology of IC.

The ecology of IC is not far away from the outbreak, and the proposal that the container supports ICP transfer is approaching, which may drive the Defi application of FT token, and TVL may suddenly rise like Ethereum in 2020.

In this regard, we have prepared the front-line work on Swap, Mint, and liquidity mining. At present, in the testing stage, if you have any good suggestions, you can provide them to us at any time. Once there are good findings or suggestions, we will offer rewards.

Test details: s=20

Trading in the second half: NFT

As we all know, the NFT market is hot on IC, which is part of CetoSwap. For NFT in the market, CetoSwap supports more standard NFT, not only ICP-721 but also ICP-1155.

In Ethereum, OpenSea has become the largest NFT trading platform, and anyone can sell by uploading artworks, and what they need to pay is an expensive Gas fee, which is why they support Matic later.

On the IC, there is no possibility of high Gas cost, and the IC has a reverse Gas, so the cost of storage and transaction is very low. At the same time, we will support fractionalized NFT, that is, the transaction of ICP-1155 standard NFT so that more people can hold high-priced artworks and participate in the management of artworks.

Users can cast, display, trade, fragment NFT, and trade NFT on the platform. CetoSwap chooses decentralized governance in trading, welcomes market creation and free trading.

For us, whether it is FT or NFT trading, we support more asset flow with an open attitude.

Here, we hope you can join us in leading the prosperity of IC.




The first order book trading platform of fractional noun-fungible tokens(F-NFTs) and a professional marketplace for crypto collectibles.