What is CetoSwap?

4 min readAug 26, 2021

Bitcoin and blockchain began in 2009. After that, the indicator of blockchain industry has continuously changed with the appearance of Ethereum, Polkadot, Dfinity, etc.

Actually, Bitcoin as the best-known cryptocurrency, is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system with blockchain technology as its underpin. The transactions medium now is acknowledged as the most widely used blockchain and its success at global consensus. But Bitcoin payments haven’t played a critical role on the development of its application ecosystem.

Ethereum is a permissionless, non-hierarchical network of computers (nodes) , currently with the largest blockchain ecosystem. Most of the DeFi and NFT projects are running on the Ethereum network. However, Ethereum has also been heavily influenced by network congestion, slow execution of transactions and calculation Most applications are operated by centralized systems but with decentralized transaction mechanism on blockchain. .

Polkadot is hot with Ethereum 2.0 in development, which refers to a series of upgrades to the current Ethereum. Polkadot focuses on the interoperability of crossed blockchains in the stage of ecosystem construction without application booming.

Hence, above all, the market shares the biggest attention on Ethereum and its ecosystem but also following with two problems:

High execution cost: the implementation of smart contracts and interoperability on Ethereum network will generate high cost and time consuming, which is economically inefficient;

Scalability and speed: slow transaction speed causes congestion that negatively impacts its expansion to customers.

Dfinity, as an “Internet Computer”, makes the Internet a platform for public computing and greatly promotes the application of blockchain. It is an “Internet + blockchain” enterprise, rather than a “blockchain + Internet” network. It constructs an underlying architecture suitable for application practice. Launched in May, Dfinity has hundreds of running applications without any boundary that traditional blockchain projects have.

In Dfinity, canisters are computational units with high performance memory computing resources and where the application code are directly running on. Multiple canisters aggregate themselves as data centers managed by NNS (Network Nervous System). Moreover, applications on canisters can be separated from the operation environment with stored records of current software status and user interoperability, as well as the update caused by the application usage.

In fact, Dfinity technology is decentralized cloud computing plus decentralized governance system plus payment system. In the future, it will devote itself to make cloud computing and governance safer and more stable.

Now Difinity can support the running of traditional applications and realize the transformation from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.

That’s why CetoSwap chooses Dfinity.

What is CetoSwap?

In Greek, “Ceto” is the ancient goddess of the dangers of the sea, sea monsters, whales and large sharks. CetoSwap takes the words to represent the support it can offer to form any general Token freely supplying in the market.

Connect DeFi and CeFi

CetoSwap is committed to connecting blockchain with the real world, and linking DeFi and CeFi through Crypto assets. CetoSwap is a decentralized asset management platform with token in the real world to practice the liquidity.

CetoSwap believes that Dfinity and its blockchain technology can create real application scenarios in the market soon, and then giant enterprises will recognize and adopt blockchain technology. The issuance of encrypted assets will be boosted once the giants start to use blockchain technology. CetoSwap serves as a medium to connect reality, blockchain world and its digital assets all together.

CetoSwap: Asset Transaction Management Platform

CetoSwap has multiple features: creating Token , decentralized trading , liquidity mining and more value-added services, which will provide safe, fast, simple and efficient asset management services for Web 3.0. On CetoSwap, users no longer needs to wait for the complicated authentication.

Creating Token: enterprise/individual users of Web 3.0 can create Token on the CetoSwap corresponding with, the actual value and scene assets in reality with by almost zero cost.

Decentralized trading (including FT and NFT): users can get rid of centralized exchange monitoring and loss of ownership. It costs about $0.0000158 (0.000011092826 T Cycles) as the transaction fee on Dfinity, which almost equals to zero gas fee consumption , compared with the relatively high cost of a few dollars in each transaction on Ethereum.

In the future, more and more practical projects in the reality will be established on the network with increased quantity and value of NFT assets and CetoSwap’s further support.

Liquidity pool: by participating in mining liquidity, CetoSwap can not only be a Liquidity provider, but also greatly improve asset efficiency and reduce transaction costs, and provide the network with LP to gain further profits.

In the next article, we will release the beta version of CetoSwap. Thanks for your attention.




The first order book trading platform of fractional noun-fungible tokens(F-NFTs) and a professional marketplace for crypto collectibles.